Resources for MAST families
Connecting Families
To improve the time to diagnosis
Fueling Research
Into microtubule-associated serine/threonine kinase (MAST) genetic mutations
Improving Quality of Life
By developing therapies to support affected patients and families
Empowering Advocacy
So those with time, funds, and abilities can easily apply their gifts to achieve MAST Genes outcomes
Join the Patient List
We are working with multiple research partners to identify patients and begin a targeted scientific discussion around the most beneficial research paths. With a critical mass of patients and financial support, we can tap into the potential of the research community. Our goal is to identify 250 potential patients for future research.
Join the Email List
A Patient or Caregiver could receive email notifications of upcoming research studies or natural history studies.
A Supporter of MAST genes research could receive email notifications of upcoming fundraising or advocacy opportunities.
Join a Facebook Group
The MAST Genes Research Foundation Facebook Group is open to patients, caregivers, and supporters of MAST genes research.
Some MAST mutations have their own Facebook groups since they all have different symptoms and typical ways of presenting in a patient.